• Lee, a pastor

    “As a pastor, I have had the privilege of getting to disciple people, on a regular basis, over the last 30 years. For the last two years I’ve used this book. I’ve found it to be one of the best tools I’ve ever used to challenge disciples to not only follow Jesus but to be passionate about His Church and the Kingdom of God!“

  • Michael, a missionary

    "Seven Life Habits of a Jesus Follower provides an exemplary template for disciple makers who wish to foster lasting and tangible growth in those they are discipling, while also providing challenging new insights for young and old believers alike. I wish that I had
    this resource 10 years ago!"

  • Andrew, a business professional

    "If you are are looking for a formula…this isn’t it. But this will equip you with everything you need to follow Jesus. It is great for the young believer and the mature! If you want to learn how to develop and maintain habits that will continue to shape you as you follow Jesus, give this a read!"

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